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Kingdom of the Wind 바람의 나라
Kingdom of the Winds video 1
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RO: “Kingdom of the Winds” prezinta o poveste oarecum legata cronologic de cea din “Jumong”.
Mai exact, este vorba de viata nepotului lui Jumong, Moo Hyul, care mai tarziu va deveni Daemusin.
In rolul principal este distribuit Song Il Kook, acelasi care l-a portretizat pe Jumong in urma cu 2 ani.
Song Il Kook il interpreteaza, de data aceasta, pe Moo Hyul (Muhyul), nepotul regelui Jumong, care va deveni cel de-al treilea rege al Goguryeo.”
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 1 Part1
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 1 Part2
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 1 Part3
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 1 Part4
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 2 Part1
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 2 Part2
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 2 Part3
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 2 Part4
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 3 Part1
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 3 Part2
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 3 Part3
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 3 Part4
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 4 Part1
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 4 Part2
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 4 Part3
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 4 Part4
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 5 Part1
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 5 Part2
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 5 Part3
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 5 Part4
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 6 Part1
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 6 Part2
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 6 Part3
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 6 Part4
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 7 Part1
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 7 Part2
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 7 Part3
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 7 Part4
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 8 Part1
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 8 Part2
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 8 Part3
Kingdom of the Winds Ep 8 Part4
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